
Fraud – The Two Main Types and What to Look For - Calibre CPA Group

Fraud – The Two Main Types and What to Look For

Fraud is a dirty word. It is one of every organization’s worst fears, a lingering threat, and unfortunately, an all-too-common practice. Safeguarding your organization...
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Receipts - Calibre CPA Group

Are You Sure That Receipt is Real?

As accountants and auditors, we have all been taught that there needs to be a paper (or electronic) trail to substantiate everything. This is...
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Padlock - Calibre CPA Group

Fighting “A COLD”

Looming in the shadows of every organization is management’s fear of the perils that threaten them on a day to day basis. These include,...
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Coins - Calibre CPA Group

The Hidden Cost of Fraud

If you’re reading this article you are probably very aware of the magnitude of fraud committed against tax-exempt organizations every year. However, what often...
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Laptop - Calibre CPA Group

Credit Card Fraud

One of the most common fraud schemes that we see is the misuse of credit cards, whether with corporate cards or personal cards used...
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Fraud - Calibre CPA Group

Financial Oversight and Fraud

As you are most certainly aware, fraud and more importantly fraud prevention, has become a major concern of anyone charged with financial oversight. A...
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